Perhaps it is poetic and charming view, but probably only for people who live in warm regions of the globe, and such views are watching only in photographs, or spend two weeks off in the winter scenery. Yeah, for such people winter is a poetic and charming.
But I've had enough and I'm waiting for spring ;-)
A life in gray.
All around is in that tone?
and wet and frozen? and endless?
...heavy clothing & boots
hot drinks
short days
plenty to do (indoors)...
only the adventurous photographer goes out there.
two weeks... too much
the reverse may be an illusion :-)))
You're right, for me it's very charming, but I wouldn't like to live in a place with many winter snowy weeks.
Nice shot!
Very nice wintry photograph! I love the busyness and the different textures a lot. However, I'm looking forward to summer as well. In London we already have the first snowbells and crocuses sprout! Spring can't be far... I hope it will be warmer for you too.
more snow for me!@ bring on your poetry
Nice frozen view. You're right, the snow offers great pictures, but it's hard to live with it for a long time.
Have a nice day.
very true. we very rarely get snow here, so this is quite lovely. I wouldn't want to have this all winter!
Beautiful work, but now we want spring!
Beautiful and true, all the same.
Truly a winter wonderland, love the snow covered branches. My sentiments exactly, can't wait for spring.
I agree with you, spring is taking way too long to get here.
La neige change un paysage surtout lorsque l'on a pas l’habitude de beaucoup de neige.
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