in front of Grand Hotel


Fritsch said...

The place to be: Out on the stret where the famous & the rich live. Great rock'n'roll feel to this gritty beauty of yours, Frank!

All the best & safe travels, Fritsch.

betharr said...

It will sound strange but ...
this is like an American city.
I mean the effect on this scene leads me to the American movies.
The main similarity is the number of cars.
at any moment everything can move

Ken Mac said...

beautiful at night

Victoria said...

Very nice photo!

Anonymous said...

I so like your street scenes, Frank.

This works well in black and white.


DomLOrtha said...

Nice BW for this street picture!
Have a nice day.

Niels said...

Nice one! I like the angle you took to take this photo. Photographs like these are great in B&W. Timeless.