big letters in yellow mood

John Zorn - millers crake


SS said...

:-) eu não consigo ler
what does it means?
the last letters: ktur
yellow the same color of your hair
(the image i See all the time in your profile)
yes, I know... is not golden...
but in my imagination...
a música é agradável!
jazz! I liked that genre of...
my cumpliments
your composition is excelent!
the angle, the perspective, the point of view!
explain more about that word
and the world where that letter is part of.
so iluminated!
so alive
so in artistic mood, my solar brother!

Frank de Jol said...

Manufaktura - is the name of the cultural and shopping center, which is located in a former factory.
Certainly you have seen a lot of pictures with Manufactura, which I presented. Imagine what it was once a powerful factory.
For several years, one of the best places to take photos in Lodz and one of the few places which can boast Lodz.
The large inscription is in front of one of the inputs ( Zachodnia Street )

FS said...

Sim, Manufaktura, sure!
Eu deveria ter reconhecido, sorry!
A foto está muito interessante.
Eu imagino a ginástica que você
executou nesta captura.
E admiro mais e mais o teu trabalho fotográfico.
Esta foi uma fábrica de tecidos?
material para confeccionar roupas?
Certamente esta fábrica atendia a demanda de toda a Polônia?
Frank você tem memória do antigo regime, não é?
Algumas más, eu sei, mas a tua infância, adolescência e juventude
estão plenas de lembranças porque nestas fases da vidas todos os acontecimentos possuem carga afetiva muito grande.
Eu gostaria de conhecer mais sobre isso. Se isso for possível.

Frank de Jol said...

Zgadza się to była fabryka tekstylna
i takich fabryk było w Łodzi dużo.
Po zmianie ustroju większość została zlikwidowana. Wyobraź sobie ilu ludzi straciło pracę. Dlaczego tak się stało ? Tani towar z Chin to główny powód zamykania takich dużych fabryk.
Manufaktura została kupiona przez firmę francuską i dobrze wykorzystana. Miejsce to stało się tak jakby głównym rynkiem Łodzi. Spotkania, sklepy, muzea, kina. Wszystko w jednym miejscu. Inne fabryki nie miały takiego szczęścia i do tej pory stoją puste, popadając w ruinę.
Czas młodości, jak dobrze to ujełaś to czas szczęśliwy nie zależnie od ustroju.

fabrizio said...

absolutely fantastic